Liangchen Song

Hi there! I've been getting into 3D generative models lately, and it's been a blast!
Email:   lsong8 at
Links:   Github / dblp / Google scholar


Photometric stereo for dynamic scenes
  • Assuming there is only one light for each frame.
  • Aiming to recover the normal map for all frames.
Neural 4D Light Field Rendering

Selected (three/five) Publications

(* indicates equal contribution)

NeRFPlayer: A Streamable Dynamic Scene Representation with Decomposed Neural Radiance Fields.

Liangchen Song, Anpei Chen, Zhong Li, Zhang Chen, Lele Chen, Junsong Yuan, Yi Xu, and Andreas Geiger.

TVCG 2023 (IEEE VR 2023)

[pdf] [project page]

PREF: Predictability Regularized Neural Motion Fields.

Liangchen Song, Xuan Gong, Benjamin Planche, Meng Zheng, David Doermann, Junsong Yuan, Terrence Chen, and Ziyan Wu.

ECCV 2022 (oral)

[pdf] [project page]

# Implicitly representing the patterns of motion.

Unsupervised domain adaptive re-identification: Theory and practice.

Liangchen Song*, Cheng Wang*, Lefei Zhang, Bo Du, Qian Zhang, Chang Huang, and Xinggang Wang.

Pattern Recognition 2020

[pdf] [code]

# My first work after learning deep learning. Got rejected by almost all 'top' AI conferences.
# Happy to see that some people cited this paper.

NeRFPlayer: A Streamable Dynamic Scene Representation with Decomposed Neural Radiance Fields.

Liangchen Song, Anpei Chen, Zhong Li, Zhang Chen, Lele Chen, Junsong Yuan, Yi Xu, and Andreas Geiger.


[pdf] [project page]

PREF: Predictability Regularized Neural Motion Fields.

Liangchen Song, Xuan Gong, Benjamin Planche, Meng Zheng, David Doermann, Junsong Yuan, Terrence Chen, and Ziyan Wu.

ECCV 2022 (oral)

[pdf] [project page]

# Implicitly representing the patterns of motion.

Stacked Homography Transformations for Multi-View Pedestrian Detection.

Liangchen Song, Jialian Wu, Ming Yang, Qian Zhang, Yuan Li, and Junsong Yuan.

ICCV 2021 (oral)

[pdf] [code]

# Sometimes I cannot believe this is an oral paper.
# But I do believe this is not the worst oral paper. :)

Unsupervised domain adaptive re-identification: Theory and practice.

Liangchen Song*, Cheng Wang*, Lefei Zhang, Bo Du, Qian Zhang, Chang Huang, and Xinggang Wang.

Pattern Recognition 2020

[pdf] [code]

# My first work after learning deep learning. Got rejected by almost all 'top' AI conferences.
# Happy to see that some people cited this paper.

Nonlocal patch based t-SVD for image inpainting: algorithm and error analysis.

Liangchen Song, Bo Du, Lefei Zhang, Liangpei Zhang, Jia Wu, and Xuelong Li.

AAAI 2018 (oral)

[pdf] [code]

# No networks involved. First objective function, then optimizing it.
# Not end-to-end. No backpropagation. Looks weird now?